
Alice Jones



Alice是毕业于香港的物理治疗师,并获得香港中文大学哲学硕士学位、英国萨里大学教育学硕士学位和昆士兰大学博士学位。 于 1995 年成为澳大利亚物理治疗师学院颁授的心肺物理治疗专家。在她早期的学术生涯中,她曾担任香港理工大学物理治疗教授、利兹城市大学客座教授、兼职教授 格里菲斯大学教授,2012年至2020年担任悉尼大学名誉教授。 她现任昆士兰大学名誉教授、昆明医科大学兼职物理治疗主任、中国同济大学、四川华西临床医学院和上海中医药大学客座教授。 她促进了澳大利亚和中国物理治疗项目之间的许多学术交流活动。
2000 University of Queensland, Australia, PhD (Physiotherapy)
1996 Australian College of Physiotherapists, FACP (Cardiopulmonary Care)
1994 University of Surrey, United Kingdom, MSc (Education)
1992 University of Surrey, United Kingdom, DipEd (Education)
1992 The Chinese University of Hong Kong, MPhil (Physiotherapy)
1980 Sheffield Polytechnic, United Kingdom, CertIT (Intensive Therapy)
1976 Hong Kong Government School of Physiotherapy, CertPT
Australian Physiotherapy Association Member
AHPRA Registered
Life member of Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association
  1. 过去学术职位
  2. Jul 2012 – Oct 2020 Honorary Professor, Discipline of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Sydney, Australia
    Sep 2016 – Aug 2020 Visiting Professor, Shanghai University of Medical Health Sciences, Shanghai, China
    Sep 2016 – Sep 2018 Overseas Talent Teacher. Shanghai Province. China
    Sep 2015 – 2018 Honorary Professor, School of Public Health, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
    Apr 2013 – Mar 2019 Adjunct Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
    Sep 2013 – Sep 2017 Visiting Professor, Fujian TCM University, Fuzhou, China
    Apr 2012 – Dec 2015 Senior Research Fellow, Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital & Griffith University Brisbane, Australia
    Sep 2012 – Dec 2015 Adjunct Professor, School of Rehabilitation Sciences (Physiotherapy), Griffith University, Australia
    May 2005 – Jan 2012 Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
    Oct 2006 – Jan 2012 Visiting Professor, Faculty of Health, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK
    Jan 2007 – Jan 2012 Director, Centre for East meets West in Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
    Jul 2010 – Jun 2011 Acting Head of Department, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
    Sep 2008 – Jun 2010 Associate Head, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
    Jan 2003 – Dec 2007 Programme Leader, Physiotherapy Programme, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
    May 2002 – May 2005 Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Physiotherapy, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Queensland, Australia
    Feb 1997 – Apr 2005 Associate Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
    Oct 1994 – Jan 1997 Assistant Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
    Jul 1993 – Sep 1994 Senior Tutor & Clinical Supervisor, Department of Physiotherapy, University of Queensland, Australia
    Sep 1988 – Jun 1993 Lecturer, Physiotherapy Section, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Hong Kong Polytechnic, Hong Kong
  3. 过去医院职位
  4. Aug 1988 – Sep 1988 Physiotherapy Supervisor in ICU, United Christian Hospital, Hong Kong
    Mar 1986 – Jun 1988 Physiotherapist, Launceston General Hospital, Tasmania, Australia
    Apr 1982 – Feb 1986 Chief Physiotherapist (Senior physiotherapist in-charge), The Grantham Hospital, Hong Kong
    Feb 1980 – Aug 1980 Physiotherapist, Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, England
    Oct 1978 – Mar 1982 Physiotherapist I, The Grantham Hospital, Hong Kong
    Sep 1976 – Sep 1978 Physiotherapist II, The Grantham Hospital, Hong Kong
  1. Fang Liu, Alice YM Jones, Raymond CC Tsang, Fubing Zha, Mingchao Zhou, Kaiwen Xue, Zeyu Zhang, Yulong Wang. Stroke volume and cardiac output during 6 minute walk tests are strong predictors of maximal oxygen uptake in people after stroke. PLoS ONE. 2022. 17(8):e0273794 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0273794
  2. Zheng Wang, Shu Meng, Jianhua Yan, Jiajia Li, Yi Yu, Tingting Zhang, Raymond CC Tsang, Doa El-Ansary, Jia Han, Alice YM Jones. Reliability and validity of sit-t6o-stand test protocols in patients with coronary artery disease. Front. Cardiovasc. Med., Aug. 2022. Doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fcvm.2022.841453
  3. Peng-ming Yu, Yu-Qiang Wang, Ze-Ruxing Luo, Raymond CC Tsang, Oystein Tronstad, Jun Shi, Yin-Qiang Guo, Alice YM Jones*. Postoperative pulmonary complications in patients with transcatheter tricuspid valve implantation-implications for physiotherapists. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine. May. 2022 https://doi.org/10.3389/fcvm.2022.904961
  4. Carol L Hodgson*; Alisa M Higgins; Michael J Bailey; Anne M Mather; Lisa Beach; Rinaldo Bellomo; Bernie Bissett; Ianthe Boden; Scott Bradley; Aidan Burrell; D. James Cooper; Bentley J. Fulcher; Kimberley J. Haines; Isabelle Hodgson, Jack Hopkins; Alice Y.M. Jones; Stuart Lane; Drew Lawrence; Lisa van der Lee; Jennifer Liacos; Natalie J. Linke; Lonni Marques Gomes; Marc Nickels; George Ntoumenopoulos; Paul S. Myles; Shane Patman; Michelle Paton; Gemma Pound; Sumeet Rai; Alana Rix; Thomas C. Rollinson; Janani Sivasuthan; Claire J. Tipping; Peter Thomas; Tony Trapani; Andrew A. Udy; Christina Whitehead; Shannah Anderson; Ary Serpa Neto. Comparison of 6-month outcomes of COVID-19 vs Non-COVID-19 survivors of critical illness. The COVID-Recovery study investigators and the ANZICS trials group. Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 2022. 205:10:1159-1168. https://doi.org/10.1164/rccm.202110-2335OC  (IF 21.4)
  5. Thomas P, Baldwin C, Beach L, Bissett B, Boden I, Cruz SM, Gosselink R, Granger CL, Hodgson C, Holland AE, Jones AYM, Kho ME, van der Lee L, Moses R, Ntoumenopoulos G, Parry SM, Patman S (2021) Physiotherapy management for COVID-19 in the acute hospital setting and beyond: an update to clinical practice recommendations. Journal of Physiotherapy. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jphys.2021.12.012
– 心肺物理治疗
– 物理治疗教学

Abraham Jones

BSc Phty


Abraham是澳大利亚昆士兰州Rockhampton 一家多学科私人诊所的首席物理治疗师和执业经理。 他于 2018 年毕业于昆士兰大学,获得物理治疗学士学位(一级荣誉)。他搬到昆士兰中部,在偏远地区追求他对体育和物理治疗教育的热情。 在大学物理治疗培训期间,他在中国陪伴他的妈妈,并协助她担任导师,并从学生的角度在多所大学讲授物理治疗科目。 受母亲的教导启发,他对教育产生了热情。
Abraham 现在利用这种热情为 50 多名多学科团队成员组织和进行专业发展,并监督应届毕业生和学生的大学的临床学习,同时继续实践物理治疗。 他的目标是支持他的母亲,并通过在线教育为发展中地区提供高水平的物理治疗教育。
– University of Queensland: Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours Class I) 2018
– UQ Post-Graduate Research Presenter and Speaker
– Australian Physiotherapy Association Member
– AHPRA Registered
– QIP Accredited Spirometry Assessor
2019 年至今 – Entirely Health Rockhampton首席物理治疗师、诊所经理和专业发展协调员 |
2021 年至今 Entirely Health Rockhampton健康总监
2019-2021 年- 访问物理治疗师| Rockhampton Hillcrest 私立医院
2019 年至今- 客座物理治疗师和专职健康协调员| Bethesda疗养院
– Rockhampton Wolverines 队、经典小袋鼠橄榄球联盟、Rockhampton Grammar School学校橄榄球联盟/联赛的 运动物理治疗师和培训师
  1. Jones, A., Ingram, M. E., & Forbes, R. (2021). Physiotherapy new graduate self-efficacy and readiness for interprofessional collaboration: a mixed methods study. Journal of interprofessional care, 35(1), 64–73. https://doi.org/10.1080/13561820.2020.1723508
  2. Jones, A., Ingram, M. E., & Forbes, R. (2021). Physiotherapy new graduate self-efficacy and readiness to engage in pain assessment and management: A mixed-methods study. Focus on Health Professional Education. https://doi.org/10.11157/fohpe.v20i3.362
– 运动物理治疗
– 肌骨物理治疗
– ACL损伤后康复