Intended Learning Outcomes

Section 1 (Introduction and review of respiratory physiology)


Introduction to cardiopulmonary physiotherapy

Review of respiratory physiology: mechanics of breathing

Review of respiratory physiology: ventilation and perfusion relationship

Oxygen therapy

Humidification and inhalation therapy

Section 2 (Physiotherapy assessment and cardiopulmonary physiotherapy intervention)

Understanding spirometry

Assessment of respiratory function

An overview of objective data which reflect the level of respiratory function

Airway Clearance Techniques

Techniques to improve lung volume and ventilation

Role of Physiotherapy in Pre and post-surgical care

Section 3 (Management of COPD, pulmonary rehabilitation and paediatric care)

Management of patients with COPD

Management of patients with lung cancer

Pulmonary rehabilitation and exercise prescription

Physiotherapy management of paediatric patients

Prescribing breathing devices in respiratory care

Section 4 (Cardiac rehabilitation)

Management of Cardiovascular disease

Cardiac Surgery - implications for physiotherapists

Overview of cardiac rehabilitation

Role of physiotherapy in phase I cardiac rehabilitation

Phase II cardiac rehabilitation - assessment, goal setting and exercise prescription

Section 5 (Physiotherapy in ICU care)

Introduction to intensive care and monitoring in an ICU

Principle of mechanical ventilation

Manual hyperinflation (MHI), ventilator hyperinflation (VHI) and non-invasive ventilation (NIV)

Role of physiotherapy in ICU care

Role of physiotherapy in management of acute and post- COVID-19

Physiotherapy documentation