Video Titles

The following 25 videos are available for purchase
Language medium – Putonghua

Auscultation process
Duration: 3min 31sec
All Health Professions
Duration: 2min 27sec
Physiotherapy ONLY
Breathing control
Duration: 1min 40sec
Physiotherapy ONLY
Thoracic expansion Exercise
Duration: 2min 31sec
Physiotherapy ONLY
Huffing &FET
Duration: 3min 38sec
Physiotherapy ONLY
Assisted Cough
Duration: 1min 35sec
Physiotherapy ONLY
Supported Cough
Duration: 2min 47sec
Physiotherapy ONLY
DVT screening & Circulation test
Duration: 2min 08sec
All Health Professions
Epidural check
Duration: 3min 19sec
Physiotherapy ONLY
Stretch Facilitation
Duration: 1min 32sec
Physiotherapy ONLY
Percussion & vibration
Duration: 2min 32sec
Physiotherapy ONLY
PEP mask
Duration: 7min 39sec
All Health Professions
Duration: 2min 39sec
All Health Professions
Positive pressure device – Acapella
Duration: 4min 34sec
All Health Professions
Positive pressure device - Flutter
Duration: 2min 12sec
All Health Professions
Positive pressure device – Bubble pep
Duration: 2min 08sec
All Health Professions
Use of flow devices
Duration: 6min 22sec
All Health Professions
Use of IMT devices
Duration: 4min 47sec
All Health Professions
Use of nasal cannula
Duration: 3min 31sec
All Health Professions
Oxygen masks
Duration: 3min 36sec
All Health Professions
Venturi Masks
Duration: 5min 07sec
All Health Professions
Use of nebulizers
Duration: 2min 55sec
All Health Professions
Meter dosed inhaler
Duration: 4min 39sec
All Health Professions
Tracheal tube and tracheostomy tube
Duration: 4min 40sec
Physiotherapy ONLY
The Manual Hyperinflation Technique
Duration: 5min 43sec
Physiotherapy ONLY

We are currently updating our video library.
If you are interested in purchasing the video package or would like access to the previous videos, please contact us via:

25 videos